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Nextivity Buyer's Guide:The Ultimate Buyer’s Guide to Solving Cellular Coverage Issues, Even During a Crisis

During this time of crisis, cell phone use on major networks is up by 33%. Reliable cell phone coverage is not an option for a population that is working from home and safer at home, for emergency response, or in hospitals, grocery stores, and other facilities providing essential services.
Nextivity’s robust line-up of Cel-Fi cellular coverage solutions delivers connectivity for practically every location, situation, or use case. From an apartment building, medical facility, or warehouse to a remote farm, private home, or inside a vehicle – Cel-Fi offers the most advanced technology for improving cellular coverage whenever and wherever needed.
This Buyer’s Guide has everything you need to know about improving cellular coverage at a time when usage is more in demand than ever before:
  1. An overview of the challenges of cellular connectivity, even in a crisis
  2. Types of cellular coverage solutions, along with the pros and cons that can impact home or commercial connectivity
  3. Deep dive into Cel-Fi products for each market segment, including public safety and emergency response uses FirstNet
To download the Buyer's Guide, please complete the form below.