1200x1400 – 5-Sep-03-2024-11-31-08-9548-AM
The rise of artificial intelligence comes as operators are managing a number of pre-existing technological transitions—the move to 5G Standalone, proliferation of disaggregated and open radio systems and long-term modernization efforts that will set the stage for the transition to 5G Advanced and 6G.

In this webinar, speakers will address:
  • How operators take gen AI out of call centers and into the network for optimizaiton and automation purposes
  • Implications for the telecoms workforce as more traditional network engineering skills transition to a software-centric way of working
  • What does it mean to build an AI-native network given that cloud-native is a pre-requisite and operators have yet to fully make that imperative first step

Webinar speakers
Louis Powell, AI Initiatives, GSMA
Sean Kinney, Editor in Chief, RCR Wireless News


To register for the webinar, please complete the form.
Please note that this webinar originally was scheduled for September 3rd, but due to unforeseen circumstances it has been rescheduled for September 26th.
RCR Wireless News Transparent