20221129 Connectivity Challenges Editorial Webinar 600x200

Editorial Webinar: IoT in the supply chain – How IoT grew up and got real, in the hardest sector of them all

Asset tracking is a seminal use case for the IoT market. It is one of the key applications – together with asset monitoring – that underpins the whole IoT movement as it congregates around the supply-chain sector. But the logistics market is deeply entrenched and endlessly complicated, connecting the industrial economy point-to-point, across the globe, from source to production, to storage, to retail. It is harder to pin down, and harder to conquer, arguably, than any other industrial discipline. All of the technical and cultural challenges of Industry 4.0 are here.
And yet the IoT sector has grown up; its technology has advanced, and its vendor community is more pragmatic. Global IoT connectivity mostly just works; hardware costs are competitive, and falling; developers have decent options at their disposal; business returns are fairly-well understood; innovation continues apace. Indeed, tracking and asset monitoring of goods in transit is a boom business. But this new tech maturity comes with a stark reality, and a brand new challenge: that IoT is just another siloed niche data-capture tool, which must be integrated.
This webinar presents a classic tale of industrial IoT – on steroids, in the mega-sized and mega-varied supply-chain sector. It will discuss how the tech market has advanced its offering, and engaged more deeply and collaboratively with enterprises – and whether it is doing enough. Panellists will discuss the role and the place of IoT in the logistics industry, and how to connect its data and insights across individual enterprises and entire supply chains.
James Blackman, Editor, Enterprise IoT Insights
Adam Cousin, Senior Technical Specialist, Telit
Erich Hugo, Managing Director of Business Innovation, DeltaTrak
Tancred Taylor, Industry Analyst, ABI Research
Nicholas van Hoey Smith, Director of Supply Chain and Logistics Solutions, UnaBiz Group
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