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Telecom Infrastructure Blocks

Modern 5G telecom networks are based on cloud-native technologies and employ open standards and open-source software that disaggregate network functions from the underlying hardware. While modernizing networks brings many benefits and new opportunities, it also brings its own set of challenges. Dell Technologies helps CSPs overcome these challenges with Dell Telecom Infrastructure Blocks, which include all the hardware, software and automation needed to build a 5G cloud-native telecom network, from core to edge to RAN. Dell Telecom Infrastructure Blocks are pre-integrated, tested and engineered to ease deployment, simplify operations, reduce risk and accelerate innovation.

What Makes a Modern Telecom Network?

Building a telco cloud stack for 5G Core, RAN and Edge use cases isn't easy. 5G cloud-native networks require a broad range of hardware, software, and extensive integration testing.

Learn why Dell Telecom Infrastructure Blocks are a fundamentally smarter way to deploy telco clouds. 

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Solution Brief - Dell Telecom Multicloud Foundation with Dell Telecom Infrastructure Blocks

Telecom Infrastructure Blocks are essential building blocks for transforming telecom networks and provide an efficient approach to deploying telco clouds from leading platform providers, Red Hat and Wind River. They provide CSPs the flexibility to choose the best and most cost-effective cloud platform to meet unique workload requirements across their network.

Examining the Impact on Total Cost of Ownership when Deploying Telecom Infrastructure Blocks

This whitepaper from ACG Research examines the economic benefits that can be derived from utilizing Dell Telecom Infrastructure Blocks for Red Hat in 5G Core and Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN) deployments.

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Globe Telecom and Dell Technologies Partnering on Horizontal Cloud Development

Globe Telecom needed to create and maintain a horizontal cloud platform for a disaggregated network while overcoming challenges with interoperability and lifecycle management for their 5G core network and chose Dell Technologies and the Telecom Infrastructure Blocks for their core network infrastructure. 

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The economic benefits of accelerating the introduction of new technology with Dell Telecom Infrastructure Blocks for Wind River

This ACG Report examines the potential business impact of accelerating the introduction of new technology in vRAN and Open RAN deployments with Dell Telecom Infrastructure Blocks for Wind River.

Telecom Multicloud Foundation

Visit the Dell Technologies InfoHub to stay up-to-date on the latest technical documents regarding Telecom Infrastructure Blocks and building a Dell Multicloud Foundation. 

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